Commercial Modern and New Breeding Farm for Sale in Turkey.
Farms in this area are very hard to come by, since its such a good area for a diversified farming operation. The size, 27 thousand square meter, of this rebuilt breeding farm makes it very attractive and the possibility exists to grow the operation even further. The soil in this area is totally red which is really best type for raising agricultural products.
Multi-generational breeding operation including farm, land, water, buildings, breeding farm equipment, tractors and other machines. Excludes cattles and feed on hand, which may be purchased separately, as needed. The farm is fully equipped with technological machines. It has modern and new feed grinder, mixing feed machines, tractors and feed crushing machine. The most important thing in this breeding cattle business is to produce your own feed for cattles. Our company never buys feed for the cattles from the feed plants. Instead of that, we produce our own feeds by much more cheaper prices for much better quality feeds. For all of this farm business, only two zookeper, one zootechnician and one veterinary is more than enough. Cause everything in this farm is working by machines. The farm has its own electricity system. In the farm, there is 2-storey building which can be used both as a house and office and its size is 300 square meter. The barn is 4.200 thousand square meter with 8 camera systems and automatic waterers. There is also one agricultural feed storage place which is 600 square meter. Furthermore, water tank with the capasity of 30 tones is also built in the farm. For the security, 14 modern and high video quality cameras are all around the farm.
This new, technologic and modern farm is already very profitable business when 750 cattles are raised and sold every 6 months. However, a barn of 1000 cattles more can also be easily built to this farm cause while the project of this farm was creating, it was created to build one barn more with the capasity of 1000 cattles. Furthermore, every building, barns and storage places are licenced in the farm. There are many companies selling cattles as a whole so its not really hard to buy cattles. Only if 750 cattles are raised in every 6 months, at least profit margin would be 1.500.000 Turkish lira which is around 320.000 USD dollars now. If one more barn is built and 1.000 cattles more are raised, every 6 months, profit margin would be 650.000 USD dollars. Furthermore, there are also many slaughtering companies that buys cattles by cash. The most important thing in the sector of animal breeding in turkey is the bank called Ziraat Bank. They loan credit to the farmers 5 times more cheaper than normal commercial credits. As l said above, with good management, this farm can become much more profitable business and the land value will always increase in the long term. Cause the land is close to the Adana Industrial Zone and the prices of the lands in these areas are getting higher and higher day by day thanks to its location. Another advantage about the land of this farm is it’s being on the top of the mountains and quiet and it is really important advantage for raising breeding cattles which eat more feed when the weather is more cold and the location is quiet.
- Asking Price: $870,000 (USD)
- Sales Revenue: $1,500,000 (USD)
- Cash Flow: $500K - $2.5M (USD)
- Employees: 4
- Years established: 2017