Recycling The Future Factory Business for Sale in Turkey
  • 02/11/2023 12:37 pm

Recycling The Future Factory Business for Sale in Turkey

B2B Rubber and Park Flooring Co. have got the unique advantage of its production process by providing 0 (ZERO)WASTE. Because B2B Rubber and Park Flooring an environment-friendly company and gets old tires (end of life tires) and make them granulated and turned them to final products and some of the chemical produced by itself.We produce 90% raw material of our own production.We get old tires (end of life tires) and start to make them granulated and turned them to final products as Rubber Flooring Products  used at (stadiums, children playgrounds, school gardens and backyards,, outdoor sport areas, indoor sport areas, buildings, parking areas, garages, rehabilitation centres, racetracks, walking ways, basketball court, tennis courts and shooting ranges)

Rubber products have high demand in local and international markets

  1. Market Value of the Company: 5.400.000,00Usd
  2. Company Turnover: 2.125.000,00Usd Annually
  3. Net Profit:540.000,00 Usd Annually – 45.000,00Usd Monthly
  4. Value of Machinery Line500. 000,00Usd
  5. ROI (Return on Investment): 4,5 Years
  6. Requested Share Partnerships and Amounts:                                           

         A)%50 Share for 2.333.000,00Usd

        B)%75 Share for 2.750.000,00Usd                                                                                   

       C)%90 Share for 3.000.000,00Usd

%45 profit at the time of making an investment , by buying company share at half value [Company Market Value:5,4Million, Selling Price 3 MillionUSd]

Fast ROI: 4,5 Years

Manufacturer and Exporter Business

Exporting to 25 Countries and 3 Continents

Investors will be having Turkish Citizenship

Investors will be having the ID of Industrialist Businessman in Turkey

More than +350 Local and Global  Customers