Jam Coding – Computer Workshop Franchise
  • 03/11/2023 10:38 pm
  • United Kingdom

Jam Coding is one of the few franchise opportunities that are powering through the current crisis by pressing ‘enter’.


With Jam Coding you can build a profitable future by inspiring children in the digital era…

Jam Coding is a franchise at the forefront of education in the UK. It brings you this exciting opportunity to shape children’s futures, by running technology-based workshops to teach the basics of coding, robotics, 3D animation, stock motion and so much more. It gives you the tools and training to turn something you enjoy into a successful career and really make a difference to our future generation.

Getting you off to the best start…

Your success is our foundation. So, to reduce any risk Jam Coding offer every franchisee a guarantee to set up your first 5 school contracts from your business launch. This means you can quickly and easily establish your customer base and start getting an income straight away. This is our promise to you.

You can expect to earn…