Profitable Application Software Company for Sale in London, United Kingdom
  • 04/11/2023 3:05 pm
  • United Kingdom
Business Overview

– Company has developed an AI platform that can be used for developing bots and building natural language powered products and services.

– Our platform uses machine learning to perform natural language classification across 27 languages and helps transform the unstructured form of human language into a structured form that can be acted upon.

– We sell the platform through an annual license model and have completed 3 major client engagements including Marks & Spencer, The Open University, and a London council.

– While the platform is industry agnostic most of our current and previous clients operate within the retail space.

– The platform is comparable in capability to leading enterprise platforms like IBM Watson and Dialog Flow but with the ability to deploy across any infrastructure and with a rich and easy-to-use no-code interface that empowers non-technical users to be the builders of the experience.

– There are currently 3 active clients with licenses set to expire in the second half of the current year.

– We have been selling annual licenses at a cost of GBP 50,000 per client.

– Our current run-rate sales are nil since we have not sold any new licenses in the current year and it is up to the clients if they wish to renew their existing contracts.

– The technology stack is predominantly JavaScript with a NodeJS & Tensorflow based backend and VueJS frontend.

– Aquisition of the business includes support for the buyer during the transition period.

Products & Services Overview

AI platform and no-code interface designer for the creation of Bots and natural language reliant products and services.

Assets Overview

– Registered entity and trademark.

– Intellectual property rights and full source code to the AI platform.

– Support during the transition period.


  • Established 1-5 year(s)
  • Employees < 2
  • Legal Entity Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Reported Sales USD 200 thousand
  • Run Rate Sales Nil
  • EBITDA Margin 40 %
  • Industries Application Software
  • Locations London